4 Things to Consider When Buying a Professional Microphone

15 February 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog


Recording sound is a quality-sensitive affair that calls for a top-notch microphone. The availability of many different types of mics in the market does not make it easy for a non-seasoned buyer to decide on the best one. If you couple this with the fact that only a few professionals have amassed the years of experience that intuitively helps them pick the right mic, finding a good mic can be a tough ask. Here are some tips to help you determine what mic will best suit your recording needs.

1.    How You Plan to Pick Up the Sound

The directionality of a microphone is crucial in determining the final pick for your recording. Omnidirectional microphones are designed to pick up sound from both the front and back. As a result, they enable you to record the direct audio you want plus other present sounds in the room. You could find this type of mic appealing if you're going to use it for news reporting or broadcasting. You will also find it useful when planning to record a group of voices collected around the room. Cardioid mics, on the other hand, are designed to pick up the sound from the front. They do pick up subtle sounds on the side, however. For these reasons, such mics are the most preferred type for recording studios. You can pair it with a baffle that's placed behind it to deflect all the unwanted sound coming from the back.

2.    Your Power Supply

How you plan to power your professional microphone is also important. If you want to use it in a mobile environment then buying a mic that requires a phantom power supply will be cumbersome as you will keep carrying the extra weight with you.

3.    The Accessory Types It Requires

Professional microphones are designed to use connectors specific to their design. Understand the type of connectors your already existing set up works with to identify the most versatile professional microphone for you. You do not want to buy a mic that can't work with the range of equipment you already own.

4.    The Mounting

Professional microphones require mounting to deliver better output. If you want to purchase a condenser mic, you will also need to get a shock-mount to capture the best sound. The basic mic clip will work seamlessly with a dynamic microphone.


Unless you are a recording pro with decades of intuitive sound experience, you need assistance in buying a good mic. Understand your needs and the technical requirements to get the best one.